The Children in All of Us

Children are the seeds of infinite possibility, bursting with joy, trust, curiosity and the purest love. However, within our different roles, we start to interfere with this nature without even meaning to. I don’t really know why, perhaps we are just trying to make sure the child fits within the constructed idea of life, productivity and haste, and so we are blinded to this sacrifice.

I’m talking about all of the children, those precious beings around us, as well as the ones within us, and especially the ones that are lost, who need to be found and heard. The ones that through our love and compassion, can reach their true potential, and share their gifts with the world. Because we are these children, and they hold our greatest treasure, so why not set them free. 

For this reason I’ve decided to listen to my lighter self, to invite her back and see what I may learn from her. I want to lift away each of the veils I have covered her with and allow her to be, to express herself through the different parts I hold inside. She was the one that cleared a path for me, and now I get to do the same for her, because she is me and I am her. So, I am open and curious to whatever treasures she may allow me to experience.

Within this space I may share some of our simple but meaningful encounters, in the hope that someone out there may lean in and do the same. My first little story continues in the next blog post, I hope you enjoy the innocence within this brief encounter.


The Poodle Whisperer