Beyond The Self

Finding freedom from the limitations that we put upon ourselves. An open exploration into the deeper parts of the psyche through creative writing.

Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

You Don’t Need To Ask

I reflected on the potency of my anger, wondering where it had come from. Certainly the earlier events hadn’t warrant this level of anger. I suspected that this had been pent up, shut down…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

The Art of Self Mastery

Why not look within? Listen to your emotions, become aware of your triggers, and what fuels your suffering. Catch it before it gains momentum, and be there with compassionate curiosity…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

This Is Your Life

This is your life. It was yours before you started to bury your potential, just in case it didn’t fit the story that was being told, and before you surrendered the freedom of being uniquely you.

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

More Than a Single Mind

What if there’s more to the mind than an endless monologue with itself. What if the mind is made up of a collective of uniquely interesting individual parts…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

If Not Now, When?

Imagine you could play within this life as your authentic self; open, free, and in complete comfort with who ‘you’ are. Able to enter into it all with sheer abandonment…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

You’ll Never Walk Alone

“Why didn’t you just tell them, you were listening to yourself?” I must of indicated that perhaps these ladies weren’t ready for such a new concept…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

The Story Teller & The Sage

We are seldom lost for words, but sometimes we get lost within them. They are essential for communication, and when put together creatively they can carry great potency…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

The Poodle Whisperer

I was in Lidl minding my own business, when she spotted a little black poodle in the arms of an older man. He had just set the dog down onto a nearby gondola…

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Sue Galvin Sue Galvin

The Children in All of Us

I’m talking about all of the children, those precious beings around us, as well as the ones within us, and especially the ones that are lost, who need to be found and heard.

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