You’ll Never Walk Alone

A wise man once told me, “on the days that you don’t have any dogs to walk, take yourself for walk instead.” So today, as you now already know, I never walk alone, I’m always with myself. 

It’s a beautiful day as I walk along the coastal path, looking down upon the beach, the sun is touching everything (including me) with its invitation into the aliveness of this day. As the tide rolls softly, every ripple glistens, and beyond the sparkling sand I notice the little birds rummaging around within the seaweed. I am lost within this moment.

Then, as a few floating pennies drop softly within my mind, I’m gently brought back into awareness and a deeper understanding of something I’d been pondering. The synchronicity of it all caused my smile to turn into to a laughter that I could not contain. Lost within my rapture I hadn’t noticed the two familiar figures as they approached...

As the two fellow walkers came into my awareness, I calmed myself within a normal frequency, and they stopped to talk to me. One said, “we were watching you walking along, laughing”, as the other continued, “and we wondered what you were listening to.” So I made the excuse that I was just having a laugh to myself.

As I walked past on my way, I heard the little voice from within saying, “why didn’t you just tell them, you were listening to yourself?” I must of indicated that perhaps these ladies weren’t ready for such a new concept. However, the little voice continued, “everyone talks to themselves, so why not listen as well?” 

I leave you with this pondering, and yet more words of wisdom, this time from a wise teacher of mine. She gathered us around and prepared to impart her words of wisdom. As soon as there was silence, she addressed our gathering after a short pause and said, “God has given each of you only one mouth, but two ears. I suggest you use them in that ratio.”

When you walk with yourself, you’ll never walk alone (so walk on….).


If Not Now, When?


The Story Teller & The Sage